Commercial and Institutional – National Colloid provides water treatment chemicals for a number of hospitals, universities, shopping malls, and other commercial facilities around the United States. We have the expertise and experience to keep your boiler and cooling systems running efficiently. Keep focused on your customers by letting us handle your water treatment blending needs.
Commodity – We offer a variety of commodity water treatment chemicals in standard and specialty packaging. We review current market conditions and buy in bulk to stretch our commodity dollars. We offer economical and stable pricing on many of the most common chemicals used in the industry today.
Food Processing – The food processing industry requires more than specialty formulations. If you need to meet FDA guidelines, require an NSF Nonfood compounds registration, or qualify your product as Kosher, National Colloid has the capability to formulate a product that satisfies your needs. We can blend unique products for food processing plants and have the expertise to ensure that they will meet any and all compliance requirements.
Industrial – National Colloid has experience in providing the technology and support required to service any industrial setting. We have various product lines that are well suited to maintain industrial boilers, cooling towers, and waste water treatment facilities.
Metal Working and Surface Treatment – We offer various product lines to fill all of your metalworking and surface treatment needs. We can blend synthetic and semi-synthetic oils, rust prevention fluids, cleaners, and drawing fluids. Your company can be a one stop shop for your metalworking customers.
Oil and Gas – National Colloid has extensive custom tolling expertise and has been providing chemicals to the oil and gas industry for several years. If you bring us a product, we will make it better. We look for green chemistry that minimizes safety and environmental concerns. We round out specialty manufacturing with a full line of microbiological solutions that will meet the needs of any of your oil and gas customers.